Luxas is committed to protecting your private information. Please read the “Privacy Policy” below to better understand the commitments we make to respect and protect the rights of visitors:

Collect personal information

To access and use some services at , you may be asked to register with us personal information (Email, Full name, Contact number…). All declared information must ensure accuracy and legality. Luxas does not bear any responsibility related to the law of declared information.

We may also collect information about the number of visits, including the number of pages you view, the number of links you click, and other information related to the connection to Luxas site. We also collect information that the Web browser (Browser) you use every time you access Luxas, including IP address, browser type, the language used, time, and addresses accessed by the Browser. arrive.

Use of personal information

Luxas collects and uses your personal information for appropriate purposes and fully complies with the content of this “Privacy Policy”.

When necessary, we can use this information to contact you directly in the form of sending open letters, orders, thank you letters, technical and security information…

Share personal information

Except for the cases of Personal Information Use as stated in this policy, we commit not to disclose your personal information to the public.

In some cases, we may hire an independent unit to conduct market research projects and your information will then be provided to this unit to conduct the project. This third party will be bound by a confidentiality agreement under which they are only allowed to use the information provided to complete the project.

We may disclose or provide your personal information in the following truly necessary cases: (a) when requested by law enforcement agencies; (b) in cases where we believe it will help us protect our legitimate rights before the law; (c) in emergency and necessary to protect the personal safety of other members of Luxas.

Personal information security

Luxas is committed to protecting your personal information in every possible way. We will use a variety of information security technologies to protect this information from unwanted retrieval, use, or disclosure.

Regulations on “Spam”

Luxas is concerned about the problem of Spam and fake emails we send. Therefore, Luxas confirms to only send Emails to you if and only if you register or use services from our system.

Luxas does not sell, rent, or lease your email from third parties. If you accidentally receive an unsolicited email from our system due to an unintended cause, please click on the attached link to refuse to receive this email, or notify directly to the website administrator.

Policy changes

The content of this “Privacy Policy” may change to suit the needs of Luxas as well as the needs and feedback from customers, if any. When we update the content of this policy, we will revise the “Last updated” time above.

The content of this “Privacy Policy” only applies to Luxas, and does not include or relate to third parties placing ads or having links at Luxas. Therefore, we recommend that you read and carefully review the “Privacy Policy” content of each website you are visiting.